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Secure energy: options for a safer world


Jan Willem Storm 
van Leeuwen


A new generation of nuclear reactors will increase demand for uranium ore to produce reactor fuel.
In 2005 the world nuclear fleet consumed about 68,000 tonnes of natural uranium, mostly from
mined sources. At the end of 2005 the world known recoverable uranium resources amounted 
to about 3.6 million tonnes (t). 

These resources show a wide variation in ore grade and

accessibility. Understanding this variation is essential for assessing nuclear energy security


Uranium ore is not an energy resource unless the ore grade is high enough. Below grade 0.02% 




Uranium Oxide) more energy is required to produce and exploit the uranium fuel than can be

generated from it. Falling ore grade leads to rapidly rising CO


emissions from the nuclear energy cycle.

Assuming world nuclear generating capacity remains at 2005 levels, after about 2016 the mean 
grade of uranium ore will fall significantly from today’s levels, and even more so after 2034.

After about 60 years the world nuclear power system will fall off the ‘Energy Cliff’ – meaning that
the nuclear system will consume as much energy as can be generated from the uranium fuel.

Whether large and rich new uranium ore deposits will be found or not is unknown.

Once high-grade uranium ores are no-longer available, the nuclear industry will rely on uranium 
and plutonium from military and civil stockpiles. These will last only a few years, and questions 
remain about the net energy gain from reprocessing these materials. In the future, it is likely that 
the nuclear industry and governments will look to MOX fuel – a mixture of uranium and plutonium 
dioxides. In time, the nuclear industry hopes to develop fast breeder reactors fueled by weapons
useable plutonium. The widespread use and production of either fuel has serious implications 
for nuclear weapons proliferation and the risk of nuclear terrorism.

It is inevitable that replacements for uranium fuel will be sought within the lifetime of any new
nuclear build in the UK. It is also inevitable that as high grade uranium supplies decrease, the 
cost of nuclear power will increase along with nuclear CO


emissions. The security risks 

associated with MOX and plutonium fuel should not be underestimated. These concerns should be
reviewed by Government, Parliament and the public before a decision is taken on the future of nuclear power.


Jan Willem 
Storm van Leeuwen

Independent nuclear
analyst, Ceedata

July 2006

Factsheet 4

This graph assumes that
no new large and rich
deposits are found during
the next decades and that
world nuclear capacity
remains at 2005 levels.
It is based on a total
resource of about 4.2
millions metric tonnes.
(Including resources of
lower quality which the
OECD / NEA figure of

3.6 million metric tonnes

currently excludes.)

Note that the largest
uranium deposits have
ore grades lower than
0.1%, which is 100 to
1000 times poorer than
those used today. 

Graph 1: Depletion of world known recoverable resources, 2006 - 2076

Each bar in this graph represents a group of uranium resources
(indicated by the radiation sign) of a certain quality. The length of
each bar represents the number of years that group of resources
will last. The height of each bar represents the range in ore grade.

This factsheet is 
based on a full 
technical paper 
by J. W. Storm van
Leeuwen and 
P. B. Smith, 
available from 
the ORG website.

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Secure Energy: Options for a Safer World


Nuclear energy security timeline 2006 - 2076






2056 -

2066 -

Following the UK Energy Review, this timeline is based on a scenario of ten new Light Water Reactors
in the UK to be authorised in 2006, with the first unit going online in 2016 and the 10th (last one)
in 2026 (a completion rate of one unit each year). This scenario also assumes that world nuclear
capacity remains at 2005 levels.

Ore grade

This refers to the proportion of uranium-235 in 1t of ore.
It affects (a) the amount of energy needed to produce 
uranium fuel, and (b) the amount of CO



produced from that fuel. If the ore is 0.1% U





1t of ore has to be processed to obtain 1kg of uranium.


Authorise new nuclear build in the UK

First new nuclear power plant online



new nuclear power plant online

Full fleet in operation

First nuclear power plant closes

10th nuclear power plant closes

Rich ores in Canada mined. World mean value of
available uranium ore grade is 0.15% U





Rich ores depleted. Mean available uranium
ore grade is equal or less than 0.1%.

Mean grade slowly declining.

Mean ore grade falls to about 0.07% U




Approaching energy cliff. High CO



Uranium fueled nuclear reactors have fallen 
off the energy cliff and produce more CO


emissions than a gas-fired power plant.

Energy costs energy

Generating electricity from uranium fuel 
depends on a system of industrial processes
known as  the nuclear process chain. The three
main phases are:


Converting a uranium bearing rock into 

nuclear fuel.


Constructing, operating, maintaining and 

refurbishing of the nuclear power plant. 
The mean operating lifetime is assumed 
to be 40 years.


Waste management, dismantling of the

reactor, construction of a geological repository 
to isolate the waste.

Each process comsumes energy, consequently
each process, except the reactor itself, 
emits CO


. The process needed to convert

uranium into nuclear fuel most likely also emits
greenhouse gases (GHGs) other than CO



The energy debt

Uranium fuel production, plant construction 
and most importantly, dismantling nuclear 
power plants, needs energy regardless of how
much energy is generated by the plant. 
The amount of energy needed during the 
operational life of a nuclear power plant is 
known as the 

energy debt



Large uncertainties, especially regarding 
the 3rd phase of the nuclear process chain, 
obscure energy debt estimates for nuclear power.
Our estimates are based on the quantities of
materials involved. Judged against official 
UK decommissioning estimates, our figures 
are cautious.

Subtracting the energy debt from the energy
generated by a nuclear power plant over its 
lifetime gives the figure for 

net energy


1. All energy systems produce an energy debt. Using this data it is possible to calculate the energy pay-back time – the time it
takes for the energy system to produce as much energy as it comsumes over a full life-cycle. If we assume a nuclear power plant
operates for 40 years using today’s uranium ore grades (very favourable), the energy pay-back time is 6-14 years. 
For photovoltaics in the UK it is 4 years and for wind it is less than 1 year.

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Secure Energy: Options for a Safer World

Net energy and the ‘Energy Cliff’



emissions and nuclear power

The quantity of energy which can be generated from one metric tonne of natural uranium has a 
fixed value in a given reactor type. The amount of energy needed to convert a uranium-bearing rock 
in the ground into nuclear fuel, depends on the ore grade: the lower the grade the more energy 
the extraction of uranium from its ore consumes, and the lower the net energy a nuclear power 
plant puts into the grid. As ore grades 
decline so does net energy,
leading to the ‘Energy Cliff’.

If the world nuclear 
generating capacity stays 
at the current levels, nuclear
power will fall off the ‘Energy
Cliff’ by around 2070 – within
the lifetime of new UK
nuclear build. 

Nuclear power

then consumes as much
energy as it puts into the grid.

Graph 2 is based on the
assumption that no new large
uranium deposits will be 
found of the same quality as
the currently known 
high-grade deposits.

The level of CO


emission by the nuclear system depends upon the operational lifetime of the nuclear

power plant and the grade of the uranium ore used to obtain the uranium fuel. The operational lifetime
is important because the construction and dismantling of a nuclear power plant uses a fixed amount of 
energy and produces fixed


emissions, regardless of

the lifetime of the power plant.
So, as the lifetime and 
efficiency of the power plant
decreases, the proportion of


emissions increases.

The grade of the uranium 
ore determines the amount of
fossil fuels needed to extract
the uranium from rock, 
which leads to CO



per kg uranium. As the 
quantity of electricity 
generated from 1kg uranium
has is fixed value. CO


emission (gram CO


per kWh)

increase with decreasing 
ore grade.

Graph 2: the energy cliff

Graph 3: Nuclear energy generated CO




By the time a full fleet of 10 new reactors is operational, 
mean ore grade will drop leading to a significant increase in
nuclear powered CO



“At todays




energy will


more energy

than it puts

back into

the grid by



power emits






On a global

scale its


tion to 


emissions of

GHGs is


and will

remain so.

2. Specific emission of carbon dioxide by nuclear power (radiation sign) versus time. During the next decades the emission 
will rise, due to poorer ores to feed the nuclear system. The emission by combined-cycle gas-fired power plants (burning flame)
will decrease somewhat, due to improving efficiency. The dark shaded area represents the uncertainty range of the nuclear 


emission, due to several uncertainties in the nuclear fuel cycle, among which dismantling and waste storage.

The fraction of net energy from nuclear power 
as function of time. The width of the line, 
widening towards the end of the graph 
(the sign indicates nuclear power), represents 
an uncertaintity range, due to uncertainties in
the grade of the uranium ores to be mined 
later this century

The distribution of uranium follows the same physical and chemical
laws as other metals: the richer an ore, the rarer they are. The most
easily discoverable and mineable uranium deposits are already in
production. The chance of finding new large high-grade ores is unknown. 

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For more information, please contact:

J. W. Storm van Leeuwen

Independent Civil Nuclear Consultant

Oxford Research Group
51 Plantation Road
Oxford, OX2 6JE
United Kingdom


+44 (0)1865 242 819 

Registered Charity No. 299436

Oxford Research Group

is an independent 

think tank which works to bring about positive
change on issues of national and international
security by non-violent means. To find out more
about our 

Secure Energy: Options for a Safer


project please visit our website




Secure Energy: Options for a Safer World



Reducing CO



A new nuclear build in the UK cannot make a
significant contribution to reducing UK or 
global CO


emissions. Within the lifetime of 

new nuclear build, sufficiently high grade
uranium resources will become severely
depleted. The use of lower grade uranium 
would increase nuclear CO


emissions to the

level of a gas-fired power station by 2070.

Increasing energy security

Nor would nuclear energy increase the UK’s
energy security over the coming decades. 
There are no indigenous uranium supplies, 
and dwindling known resources of high 
grade uranium will lead to future price rises and 
fluctuations, and resource competition.

Opportunity costs

Large-scale investment in nuclear power would
remove the opportunity for the UK to join with
other countries in leading on developing an
energy supply independent of exhaustible mineral
energy resources, as China is doing for instance.

Implications for UK and global security

A new nuclear build would lead to an 
incremental increase of the risks of nuclear
terrorism in the UK and from global nuclear
weapons proliferation. Is an incremental
increase to present threats manageable? 
Or, are current risks associated with 
proliferation of nuclear technology and 
weapons-usable materials already 
unacceptably high?

About the author

Jan Willem Storm van
Leeuwen is a senior
scientist at Ceedata
Consultancy. He works
for the Open University
at Heerlen and is 
secretary of the Dutch
Association of the 
Club of Rome.

Storm is one of the
international group of
expert reviewers of 
the Fourth Assessment
Report (AR4) of the
International Pabel on
Climate Change (IPCC).

He published numerous
reports and articles 
on topics related 
to energy and environ-

About the ORG “Secure Energy: Options for a Safer World” project

With this project ORG aims to inform public debate and Government decision-making concerning 
the future of civil nuclear power. We hope to raise understanding and awareness of the extent 
to which a new nuclear build would increase the risks of nuclear weapons and technology proliferation, and
of nuclear terrorism.

To achieve this we are producing a series of factsheets on different elements of the security and
civil nuclear power axis, including vulnerabilities to terrorism, safeguarding nuclear materials, 
trends in paramilitary violence, energy security and the potential of renewable technology.

“The question is whether an incremental increase to present

threats is manageable? Or, whether current risks to UK

and global security are already unacceptably high?”

Previous Secure Energy factsheets by ORG

Factsheets 1, 2 and 3 address the security the risks associated with a new nuclear build. 
Specifically, they focus on (1) the consequences for nuclear weapons proliferation and nuclear 
terrorism of fueling nuclear reactors with MOX fuel and weapons-usable plutonium, (2) the 
proliferation risks associated with reprocessing spent fuel, and (3) trends in paramilitary violence 
and nuclear terrorism. For copies of these factsheets, please contact ORG.

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