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Q: Why should my program normalize strings?

A: Programs should always compare canonical-equivalent Unicode strings as equal (For the details of this requirement, see Section 3.2, Conformance Requirements and Section 3.7, Decomposition, in The Unicode Standard). One of the easiest ways to do this is to use a normalized form for the strings: if strings are transformed into their normalized forms, then canonical-equivalent ones will also have precisely the same binary representation. The Unicode Standard provides well-defined normalization forms that can be used for this: NFC and NFD.

For loose matching, programs may want to use the normalization forms NFKC and NFKD, which remove compatibility distinctions. These two latter normalization forms, however, do lose information and are thus most appropriate for a restricted domain such as identifiers.

For more information, see Unicode Technical Report #15 Normalization   [MD]

Q: Which forms of normalization should I support?

A: The choice of which to use depends on the particular program or system. NFC is the best form for general text, since it is more compatible with strings converted from legacy encodings. NFKC is the preferred form for identifiers, especially where there are security concerns (see UTR #36). NFD and NFKD are most useful for internal processing. [MD]

Q: Do I have to write a normalization module myself?

A: No, different products offer normalization libraries. Perl, Java, Windows (Vista), and other platforms have support for normalization, and there is open-source support through ICU[MD]

Q: What data can I ever, sometimes or never assume to be normalized? Data, character literals, character values passed as parameters or received as results? If unnormalized data is found, should an exception be raised, or the data be normalized forthwith, or only if necessary?

A: Interesting questions. Much legacy data is automatically in NFC, since the character sets are constrained to that. All user-level comparison should behave as if it normalizes the input to NFC. For example, the UCA does that. Most binary character matching that affects users should also behave as if it normalizes the input to NFC. Because it is rare to have non-NFC text, an optimized implementation can do such comparison very quickly. [MD]

Q: What should be done about concatenation, in view of "None of the normalization forms are closed under string concatenation."? See the Introduction of UAX #15

A: An optimized concatenation function can be written to produce a normalized concatenation from normalized strings, since at most a few characters in the immediate area of the adjoined strings need processing. [MD]

Q: Are there any characters whose normalization forms under NFC, NFD, NFKC, and NFKD are all different?

A. Yes. There are three such characters in the Standard:

1E9B (ẛ) LATIN SMALL LETTER LONG S WITH DOT ABOVE 1E9B 017F 0307 1E61 0073 0307

To see this example, consult the Normalization chart for Greek. [MD]

Q: What is the difference is between W3C normalization and Unicode normalization?

A: Unicode normalization comes in 4 flavors: C, D, KC, KD. It is C that is relevant for W3C normalization. W3C normalization also treats character references (&#nnnn;) as equivalent to characters. For example, the text string "a&#xnnnn;" (where nnnn = "0301") is Unicode-normalized since it consists only of ASCII characters, but it is not W3C-normalized, since it contains a representation of a combining acute accent with "a", and in normalization form C, that should have been normalized to U+00E1.[JC]

Q: Isn't the canonical ordering for Arabic characters wrong?

A: The Unicode Standard does not guarantee that the canonical ordering of a combining character sequence for any particular script is the 'correct' order from a linguistic point of view; the guarantee is that any two canonically equivalent strings will have the same canonical order.

In retrospect, it would have been possible to have assigned combining classes for certain Arabic and Hebrew non-spacing marks (plus characters for a few other scripts) that would have done a better job of making a canonically ordered sequence reflect linguistic order or traditional spelling orders for such sequences. However, retinkerings at this point would conflict with stability guarantees made by the Unicode Standard when normalization was specified, and cannot be done now. [KW]

Q: But then Unicode cannot expect a user to accept having Unicode ordering forced on them when it makes no sense and is not grounded on how the script works, right?

A: The correct approach, as present in the Unicode standard for many years, is to render canonically equivalent orderings the same way. Once you do that, you will handle both normalized form, and whatever equivalent form users input, without worrying (or having to precisely establish) what the 'correct' order is.

This is not a huge burden. The amount of time necessary to reorder combining marks is completely immaterial compared to the time required for other work that needs to be done in rendering.

And notice that the rendering engine could reorder the marks internally in a different order if it wanted to, as long as that order was canonically equivalent. In particular, any permutation of the non-zero CCC values can be used for a canonically equivalent internal ordering. So internally a rendering engine could permute weights <27, 28,..., 32, 33> to <33, 27, 28,..., 32>, getting SHADDA before all vowel signs, for example. The restrictions are that only non-zero ccc values can be changed, and that they can only be permuted, not combined or split:

  • you can't reassign two characters that had the same ccc values to different values

  • you can't reassign two characters that had different ccc values to the same value

  • you can't change characters with ccc = 0. [MD]

Q: But isn't there is still a problem with Biblical Hebrew?

A: There was a problem, but it has been addressed. Because the Hebrew points are defined to have distinct combining classes, their character semantics is such that their ordering is immaterial in the standard. To handle those cases where visual ordering is material, see the discussion of the Combining Grapheme Joiner (CGJ) in Section 16.2, Layout Controls, in the Unicode Standard. [MD]

Q: Is text always the same length or shorter after being put into NFC?

Although it is usually the same length or shorter, it may expand. One of the goals for NFC was to match legacy practice where possible, and in some cases, the legacy representation was decomposed. In addition, for stability, characters encoded after Unicode 3.0 do not compose, except in unusual circumstances. See UAX #15 for more details. [MD]

Q: What are the maximum expansion factors for the different normalization forms?

A: It depends on the encoding form. Here is a table that shows the worst possible cases (for Unicode 5.0):

Form UTF Factor Sample
NFC 8 3X 𝅘𝅥𝅮 U+1D160
16,32 3X U+FB2C
NFD 8 3X ΐ U+0390
16,32 4X U+1F82
16,32 18X

Q: If I apply the same normalization operation on a string more than once, will the result change?

A: One of the key features of normalization is that repeatedly applying (the same form of) normalization does not change the data further (idempotency). This means that normalized data can be renormalized without affecting it. [AF]

Q: Are there any exceptions to idempotency for Unicode normalization?

A: For earlier versions of Unicode, between Version 3.0 and Version 4.0.1, in some exceptional situations, normalization would have to be applied twice before further applications would no longer change the data. This situation was addressed in Corrigendum #5. [AF]

Q: What does the stability guarantee on Normalization promise?

A: Take the example of an identifier that contains no unassigned characters and choose one of of the Normalization forms. What is guaranteed is that such an identifier, when normalized under a given version of Unicode will not change even if the same kind normalization is applied to it again based on a future version. The stability guarantee makes sure that idempotency applies across versions. [AF]

Q: Does this include strings containing unassigned characters?

A: No, the stability guarantee addresses only assigned characters. Unassigned code points which are assigned to characters in some future version of the standard could be mapped to some other value by normalization, and so cannot be guaranteed to be stable across versions. [AF]

Q: Does this mean that if I take an identifier (as above) and normalize it on system A and system B, both with a different version of normalization, I will get the same result?

A: In general, yes. Note, however, that the stability guarantee only applies to normalized data. There are indeed exceptional situations in which un-normalized data, normalized using different versions of the standard, can result in different strings after normalization. The types of exceptional situations involved are carefully limited to situations where there were errors in the definition of mappings for normalization, and where applying the erroneous mappings would effectively result in corrupting the data (rather than merely normalizing it). [AF]

Q: Are these exceptional circumstances of any importance in practical application?

A: No. They affect only a tiny number of characters in Unicode, and, in addition, these characters occur extremely rarely, or only in very contrived situations. Many protocols can safely disallow any of them, and avoid the situation altogether. [AF]