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Welcome to the community wiki for the City of West Sacramento, California USA. This wiki is meant to be a center for community contributed information, opinions, announcements, and everything else about West Sacramento — especially the little, enjoyable things. This entire site is maintained by the people who use it: Anyone can edit this website!

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Welcome to WestSacWiki! Visit the wikispotWiki Guide to learn how to edit existing pages or how to create entirely new pages. Remember that links with a solid underline points to existing pages and checkered underlined ones point to pages that still need to be created. Check the To Do and Wanted Pages to see what needs an entry written for it and have at it! If you still have problems creating a page, please refer to wikispotHelp with Editing to see how it's done. There are also templates to make your life easier and if you need even more formatting inspiration or a place to ask for help, davisDavis Wiki is a great place to check out. If you don't know how to do something, a good strategy is to find an existing page that uses the feature you're looking for, clicking "Edit" and learning from the existing code. Happy [c2]gnoming!



Events Board, Recurring Events

City Life

Living In West Sacramento

Food and Drink

West Sacramento Orientation

Computer and Internet

Still can't find what you're looking for? Try our neighbors: davisDavis Wiki and sacramentoSacramento Wiki!

Featured Page


jealousycatering.pngStop by and see what West Sacramento has to offer!

The restaurant page is a great way to discover the culinary delights West Sacramento offers! Remember to contribute your knowledge of West Sacramento restaurants by making entries and writing reviews.

Today's Events


(Taken from our Events Board, where you can post events.)

Pages that need your help!


The type of pages that we really need help on to make westsacWestSac more fun and useful:

Wiki News


2007-09-10 A huge thanks to Graphics Technician Dan Harris for assisting us with our new banner!

Getting Started

The wikispotWiki Guide is a good overview of how to use the Wiki, conventions, and suggestions.

A Wiki is a linked set of pages that anybody can edit and contribute to without knowing anything about websites. [wikipedia]Wikipedia is the prime example of a successful wiki project. Also, check out [WWW]Why Wiki Works for some information on the philosophy of wiki.

Check out the Wiki SandBox, a place to try out your new wiki editing skills. The West Sacramento Wiki davisFAQ should shed light on most of your remaining questions. We also have a Title Index with a list of all the pages in the wiki.

Feel free to make new pages — just remember to link them. Also, if you don't know where to start or don't have any ideas, check out To Do.

This is a Wiki Spot wiki. Wiki Spot is a non-profit organization that helps communities collaborate via wikis.