

The general pattern of adventures that  mythological heroes encounter during their quests.  It's a cyclical pattern inspired in part by the ancient ouroborus symbol (a snake eating its own tale) representing the cyclical pattern of nature, as well as the necessity of life living off other life. 

Mythologist Joseph Campbell broke this pattern down into three basic stages (separation, initiation, and return), and then each stage into several sub-stages:

                 call to adventure
                 refusal of the call
                 supernatural aid
                 theshold crossing
                 belly of the whale

           road of trials
               meeting with the goddess
               woman as temptress
               ultimate boon

               refusal of the return
               magic flight
               crossing return threshold
               master of two worlds
               freedom to live


"a hero ventures forth from the world of the common day into a region of supernatural wonder:  fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won:  the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man " (30).

-Joseph Campbell, The Hero with a Thousand Faces







The Hiro's Journey             Hero Psychology
