Your Garden

Flowering calendar



Beaufortia sparsa - Swamp or Gravel Bottlebrush

A narrow species growing 2-3m x 1-2.5m. The stunning bright orange-red bottlebrush flowers occur on the previous year's growth for about a month, from December to April. Flowering at Karwarra is March. The small bright green leaves grow more densely along the newer growth. Beaufortias belong to the Myrtaceae family (incl. eucalypts, paperbarks and bottlebrushes).
W.A.; semi-hardy; well-drained soils, partial or full sun; pruning essential; seeds, cuttings; cut or dried flowers; nectar-seeking birds; feature plant.

Correa baeuerlenii

A rounded plant 1.5-2m x 1.5-2.5m with glossy green aromatic leaves, reminiscent of juicy fruit chewing gum when crushed. The green, bell-shaped flowers occur in autumn and winter. The common name refers to the prominent flattened ridge on the calyx above the tubular bell.
Restricted, south east coast New South Wales; dappled shade or partial sun, well drained soils; cuttings; excellent screen plant, hedge; bird attracting for nectar, insects and nest sites.

Crowea exalata - Small Crowea

A small shrub usually 70cm to 1m high. This small shrub has bright glossy star-like flowers about 2cm in diameter from November to August (January to August at Karwarra). There are many forms available including the prostrate forms ‘Bindelong Compact' from the high country and ‘Green Cape' from coastal heathland at Green Cape NSW. The form from the drier Whipstick area of Central Victoria has finer leaves and smaller flowers while a larger flowered form comes from the south coast of NSW. Other provenanced forms are sometimes available. Flower colour can range from white to the pale ‘Pink Blush' to deep pinks. The foliage is highly aromatic producing an aniseed fragrance when crushed.
Eastern Victoria, central & south coast, tablelands of NSW; frost-tolerant; well-drained soils, partial sun, light pruning; will help to promote dense growth; cuttings; highly ornamental; cut flower, container plant, butterfly attracting.

Grevillea tetragonoloba

A dense, spreading shrub 1.5-2.5m x 1.5-3m. The long dark green leaves are generally divided with a few or up to 13 narrow leaflets. Its flowers are red or orange and toothbrush-like, occurring for most of the year but peaking from late winter to autumn.
Near-coastal in Eyre & Roe Districts of West Australia; Cultivation: well drained soils, full sun, also grows well in partial shade; frost tolerant to –11oC; seeds or cuttings; ornamental, screen plant, bird-attracting.

Xerochrysum bracteatum – Golden Everlasting, Straw Flower

A herb or small shrub which may be annual, biennial or perennial depending on its distribution. Flowers vary from white to deep yellow with a golden to orange centre and are from 2 to 8cm in diameter. Vigorous and free-flowering, it flowers most of the year especially from spring to autumn. It is a very variable species in flower, leaf and form.
All states; hardy plant; frost tolerant; sunny situations, well drained soils, tip pruning. encourages longer life and more flowering heads; colourful border plant, cut and dried flowers, butterfly attracting.