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Penn Point
Chaîne de pennpoint
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Nom :
Penn Point
Vues (chaîne) :
Vues (toutes les vidéos ajoutées) :
Inscription :
2 fév 2008
Date de la dernière visite :
il y a 17 heures
Abonnés :
Penn Jillette's hilarious skeptic perspective on everything... Twice a week!

Leave your Penn Point ideas as a comment! Some of them make it to Penn.

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À propos de moi :
Penn Jillette became a household name as a magician and comedian, but it's his passionate opinions on today's hottest topics that made him an online sensation. Penn Point showcases his unique point of view in a compact vlog, four times a week.
Ville d'origine :
The Slammer
Films :
Penn & Teller Bullshit
Commentaires sur la chaîne (937)
PuffProductions08 (il y a 1 jour)
I would love to see another show having to do with politics and current events (like bullshit) I rather hear you talk rather than watch your magic!
shadowlev (il y a 2 jours)
Although I wish BS would do another show, I've heard of the Discovery show. If it's true, I'm so glad. Balance out the fucking ghost hunting show bull shit...
kronosx7 (il y a 2 jours)
Cut down the ads dude. I just found ur channel and watching an AD before EVERY video gets old. Aren't you like a billionaire by now? What are you doing selling ad space.
kronosx7 (il y a 2 jours)
Use one camera save ur editor some work. Who keeps shifting between 2 cameras anyway? Make another season of bullshit, its such a great show.
ytscreenname (il y a 3 jours)
Just learned you guys aren't going to do another season of Bullshit. This saddens me. I hope your upcomming show on Discovery can match it and the higher level of censorship won't kill your material.
lGaming (il y a 4 jours)
call me at 10
mungsteen (il y a 5 jours)
AniSmith (il y a 5 jours)
It seems like one cannot be an atheist (have no belief in supernatural being) and be a satanist (have a belief in a supernatural being... called Satan).
snxpolan (il y a 5 jours)
extremely beatiful eyes for a fat guy :)
DJacqu8351 (il y a 5 jours)
You're awesome:)
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