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John Fund On Mike Huckabee's Liberal Record

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Ajoutée par le 29 oct. 2007

John Fund of the Wall Street Journal discusses the liberal track record of former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.

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Actualités et politique

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  • 5M1L3

    In all honesty, when matched up with Hillary all the Republicans have her within a range of 42% to 48%. All of the Republican candidates have some work to do if they want to win, but any of them could do it. Especially if they have our help.

  • hokieguy95

    Frugal campaign? Paul is the epitomy of frugality. Paul raised 5 million and still has all of it. Isn't Huckabee running a deficit already? (a sign of a things to come) He only took in around 1 mill in the quarter. Huckabee is no Reagan. Paul sounds closer to the Reagan platform than any Republican over the last 20 yrs. I have been a conservative for more than 20 years. I think I will defer to my own judgement as to how conservative Paul is. Money talks.

tout afficher

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  • MooseOfReason

    Huckabee is a Liberal, but I still hate John Fund.

  • jrs89

    John Fund is so annoying. These guys are more concerned about if Huckabee fits into a certain label than his success as a politician. So what if he's a bad politician? That has nothing to do with being conservative. Last I checked, there is lots of space both left and right of center.

  • audiegates

    Perhaps he doesn't deserve the label of conservative or liberal:Maybe the man who's trying to do what's right regardless of political persuasion?

  • missmarleneoh

    he enabled the children of illegle immigrants who lived in the us and have been in school here theyre whole life and got good enough grades and applied for citizenship to get the same scholarships citizens could. he doesnt support amnesty. If a man robs a bank with his 5 year old son in the back seat should his son get arrested as an accessory to that crime. Its not theyre fault if theyre in the country illegally. its theyre parents fault.

  • missmarleneoh

    alot of those tax increases were voted on by the people of arkansas. one of those were needed also for fixing the roads and were on the ballot.

  • thinkpolicy



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  • dfacb

    Wake up all of you that think Mike Huckabee is wonderful!! He raised taxes in Arkansas 1000 times,he wore out The State Police's airplane for his personal trips.He had the hard drives on computers in the Governor's Office destroyed,He gave Scholarships to illegal immigrants children,I know these things as facts I live in Arkansas

  • chissykim

    Huckabee, realizing that his super soft record on illegal immigration was going to ruin his presidential aspirations, has just come out with a new "get tough" immigration enforcement plan - which gives all illegals 120 days to register and leave the country or face a 10 year ban on entering the U.S.

    The question is - will those who register and leave be able to (almost immediately) return to the U.S. legally? If so - this is nothing more than the Kennedy-McCain plan in new dress.

  • rambro2001

    Oh well ... if the Club for Growth says he's a liberal, that must be correct, considering their font of wisdom.

  • Jordingo

    You say he lowered taxes 94 times. However, you don't mention the times he raised it which, John Fund says, he did way more times than he lowered. You don't mention that he supported 5 tax increases prompting the Club for Growth to label him a liberal. He signed bills raising taxes on gasoline in 1999, a $5.25 bed-tax on private nursing home patients in 2001, and publicly opposed the repeal of a sales tax on groceries and medicine in 2002.



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